Online Statistics Manager
The only place you have to go for all your website activity stats

From the FAZ Hosting Hosting Control Panel, you’ll get real–time access to the resources utilized by your websites as well as the site traffic that is produced by your clients. The details are exposed in a convenient–to–use graphical user interface, on a daily, per–week and per–month basis. At the same time, there’s information about our servers such as the actual IP address of the server, the Operating System, the presently utilized variations of PHP and MySQL and much more.
Server Info
Detailed information about your hosting server
Inside the Server Information part of the Hosting Control Panel, you will find detailed information concerning the web server your Linux cloud hosting packages account is situated on. You can find out which is the OS, the physical IP address along with the current Perl/MySQL variations, locate more information about the installed Perl modules as well as the inbound and outgoing email servers, keep an eye on the server load, and so forth.
You’ll also get details about the PHP edition without the need to configure phpinfo files, and so forth.
Access & Error Listing
Get information regarding your web sites’ effectiveness
Using the details collected in the Access and Error Logs part of your Hosting Control Panel, you are able to detect any kind of eventual complications with the efficiency of your web sites. The access logs will reveal all kinds of files like texts, images and movies that have been examined from your visitors while the error records will record virtually any notifications and faults that have occurred during their stay on your website.
You are able to download the access and error stats information for each of your operational web sites from the Online Statistics Manager area of your Hosting Control Panel.
Web Traffic Stats
The easiest way to check website visitors’ flow
When you manage an excellent site, it’s imperative that you know a lot about visitors – what amount of unique visitors your web site gets, how many site visitors return to your website, what keywords visitors have used to discover your website, and so forth. In the Online Statistics Manager section of your Hosting Control Panel, one can find 2 traffic statistics tools – Webalizer and Awstats that can help you discover all the info that you require.
The applications require no setup. As soon as your web site is online, they will begin obtaining information with no effort required from you.
CPU Stats
Monitor your sites’ server load
The CPU statistics included as part of your Hosting Control Panel will offer real time info about the load that’s accumulated within your hosting account because of your applications, data base inquiries, and so forth. Hence, the more dynamic and complex your website is, the more server allocations it may need to be working well.
The CPU load data is shown in an easily readable fashion and presents you with information on the hosting server load generated daily, per month or annually. This accurate data can keep you updated about the hosting server memory utilization at virtually any minute and can help you prevent your websites from going offline due to server overload (reached server power use restrictions).